"""Config handling logic for Flake8."""
from __future__ import annotations
import configparser
import logging
import os.path
from typing import Any
from flake8 import exceptions
from flake8.defaults import VALID_CODE_PREFIX
from flake8.options.manager import OptionManager
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _stat_key(s: str) -> tuple[int, int]:
# same as what's used by samefile / samestat
st = os.stat(s)
return st.st_ino, st.st_dev
def _find_config_file(path: str) -> str | None:
# on windows if the homedir isn't detected this returns back `~`
home = os.path.expanduser("~")
home_stat = _stat_key(home) if home != "~" else None
except OSError: # FileNotFoundError / PermissionError / etc.
home_stat = None
dir_stat = _stat_key(path)
while True:
for candidate in ("setup.cfg", "tox.ini", ".flake8"):
cfg = configparser.RawConfigParser()
cfg_path = os.path.join(path, candidate)
cfg.read(cfg_path, encoding="UTF-8")
except (UnicodeDecodeError, configparser.ParsingError) as e:
LOG.warning("ignoring unparseable config %s: %s", cfg_path, e)
# only consider it a config if it contains flake8 sections
if "flake8" in cfg or "flake8:local-plugins" in cfg:
return cfg_path
new_path = os.path.dirname(path)
new_dir_stat = _stat_key(new_path)
if new_dir_stat == dir_stat or new_dir_stat == home_stat:
path = new_path
dir_stat = new_dir_stat
# did not find any configuration file
return None
def load_config(
config: str | None,
extra: list[str],
isolated: bool = False,
) -> tuple[configparser.RawConfigParser, str]:
"""Load the configuration given the user options.
- in ``isolated`` mode, return an empty configuration
- if a config file is given in ``config`` use that, otherwise attempt to
discover a configuration using ``tox.ini`` / ``setup.cfg`` / ``.flake8``
- finally, load any ``extra`` configuration files
pwd = os.path.abspath(".")
if isolated:
return configparser.RawConfigParser(), pwd
if config is None:
config = _find_config_file(pwd)
cfg = configparser.RawConfigParser()
if config is not None:
if not cfg.read(config, encoding="UTF-8"):
raise exceptions.ExecutionError(
f"The specified config file does not exist: {config}"
cfg_dir = os.path.dirname(config)
cfg_dir = pwd
# TODO: remove this and replace it with configuration modifying plugins
# read the additional configs afterwards
for filename in extra:
if not cfg.read(filename, encoding="UTF-8"):
raise exceptions.ExecutionError(
f"The specified config file does not exist: {filename}"
return cfg, cfg_dir
def parse_config(
option_manager: OptionManager,
cfg: configparser.RawConfigParser,
cfg_dir: str,
) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Parse and normalize the typed configuration options."""
if "flake8" not in cfg:
return {}
config_dict = {}
for option_name in cfg["flake8"]:
option = option_manager.config_options_dict.get(option_name)
if option is None:
LOG.debug('Option "%s" is not registered. Ignoring.', option_name)
# Use the appropriate method to parse the config value
value: Any
if option.type is int or option.action == "count":
value = cfg.getint("flake8", option_name)
elif option.action in {"store_true", "store_false"}:
value = cfg.getboolean("flake8", option_name)
value = cfg.get("flake8", option_name)
LOG.debug('Option "%s" returned value: %r', option_name, value)
final_value = option.normalize(value, cfg_dir)
if option_name in {"ignore", "extend-ignore"}:
for error_code in final_value:
if not VALID_CODE_PREFIX.match(error_code):
raise ValueError(
f"Error code {error_code!r} "
f"supplied to {option_name!r} option "
f"does not match {VALID_CODE_PREFIX.pattern!r}"
assert option.config_name is not None
config_dict[option.config_name] = final_value
return config_dict