Source code for flake8.formatting.base

"""The base class and interface for all formatting plugins."""
from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
import os
import sys
from typing import IO

from flake8.formatting import _windows_color
from flake8.statistics import Statistics
from flake8.violation import Violation

[docs]class BaseFormatter: """Class defining the formatter interface. .. attribute:: options The options parsed from both configuration files and the command-line. .. attribute:: filename If specified by the user, the path to store the results of the run. .. attribute:: output_fd Initialized when the :meth:`start` is called. This will be a file object opened for writing. .. attribute:: newline The string to add to the end of a line. This is only used when the output filename has been specified. """ def __init__(self, options: argparse.Namespace) -> None: """Initialize with the options parsed from config and cli. This also calls a hook, :meth:`after_init`, so subclasses do not need to call super to call this method. :param options: User specified configuration parsed from both configuration files and the command-line interface. """ self.options = options self.filename = options.output_file self.output_fd: IO[str] | None = None self.newline = "\n" self.color = options.color == "always" or ( options.color == "auto" and sys.stdout.isatty() and _windows_color.terminal_supports_color ) self.after_init()
[docs] def after_init(self) -> None: """Initialize the formatter further."""
[docs] def beginning(self, filename: str) -> None: """Notify the formatter that we're starting to process a file. :param filename: The name of the file that Flake8 is beginning to report results from. """
[docs] def finished(self, filename: str) -> None: """Notify the formatter that we've finished processing a file. :param filename: The name of the file that Flake8 has finished reporting results from. """
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """Prepare the formatter to receive input. This defaults to initializing :attr:`output_fd` if :attr:`filename` """ if self.filename: dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.filename)) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) self.output_fd = open(self.filename, "a")
[docs] def handle(self, error: Violation) -> None: """Handle an error reported by Flake8. This defaults to calling :meth:`format`, :meth:`show_source`, and then :meth:`write`. To extend how errors are handled, override this method. :param error: This will be an instance of :class:`~flake8.violation.Violation`. """ line = self.format(error) source = self.show_source(error) self.write(line, source)
[docs] def format(self, error: Violation) -> str | None: """Format an error reported by Flake8. This method **must** be implemented by subclasses. :param error: This will be an instance of :class:`~flake8.violation.Violation`. :returns: The formatted error string. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Subclass of BaseFormatter did not implement" " format." )
[docs] def show_statistics(self, statistics: Statistics) -> None: """Format and print the statistics.""" for error_code in statistics.error_codes(): stats_for_error_code = statistics.statistics_for(error_code) statistic = next(stats_for_error_code) count = statistic.count count += sum(stat.count for stat in stats_for_error_code) self._write(f"{count:<5} {error_code} {statistic.message}")
[docs] def show_benchmarks(self, benchmarks: list[tuple[str, float]]) -> None: """Format and print the benchmarks.""" # NOTE(sigmavirus24): The format strings are a little confusing, even # to me, so here's a quick explanation: # We specify the named value first followed by a ':' to indicate we're # formatting the value. # Next we use '<' to indicate we want the value left aligned. # Then '10' is the width of the area. # For floats, finally, we only want only want at most 3 digits after # the decimal point to be displayed. This is the precision and it # can not be specified for integers which is why we need two separate # format strings. float_format = "{value:<10.3} {statistic}".format int_format = "{value:<10} {statistic}".format for statistic, value in benchmarks: if isinstance(value, int): benchmark = int_format(statistic=statistic, value=value) else: benchmark = float_format(statistic=statistic, value=value) self._write(benchmark)
[docs] def show_source(self, error: Violation) -> str | None: """Show the physical line generating the error. This also adds an indicator for the particular part of the line that is reported as generating the problem. :param error: This will be an instance of :class:`~flake8.violation.Violation`. :returns: The formatted error string if the user wants to show the source. If the user does not want to show the source, this will return ``None``. """ if not self.options.show_source or error.physical_line is None: return "" # Because column numbers are 1-indexed, we need to remove one to get # the proper number of space characters. indent = "".join( c if c.isspace() else " " for c in error.physical_line[: error.column_number - 1] ) # Physical lines have a newline at the end, no need to add an extra # one return f"{error.physical_line}{indent}^"
def _write(self, output: str) -> None: """Handle logic of whether to use an output file or print().""" if self.output_fd is not None: self.output_fd.write(output + self.newline) if self.output_fd is None or self.options.tee: sys.stdout.buffer.write(output.encode() + self.newline.encode())
[docs] def write(self, line: str | None, source: str | None) -> None: """Write the line either to the output file or stdout. This handles deciding whether to write to a file or print to standard out for subclasses. Override this if you want behaviour that differs from the default. :param line: The formatted string to print or write. :param source: The source code that has been formatted and associated with the line of output. """ if line: self._write(line) if source: self._write(source)
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """Clean up after reporting is finished.""" if self.output_fd is not None: self.output_fd.close() self.output_fd = None