Source code for flake8.api.legacy

"""Module containing shims around Flake8 2.x behaviour.

Previously, users would import :func:`get_style_guide` from ``flake8.engine``.
In 3.0 we no longer have an "engine" module but we maintain the API from it.
import logging
import os.path

from flake8.formatting import base as formatter
from flake8.main import application as app

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ('get_style_guide',)

[docs]def get_style_guide(**kwargs): r"""Provision a StyleGuide for use. :param \*\*kwargs: Keyword arguments that provide some options for the StyleGuide. :returns: An initialized StyleGuide :rtype: :class:`StyleGuide` """ application = app.Application() application.find_plugins() application.register_plugin_options() application.parse_configuration_and_cli([]) # We basically want application.initialize to be called but with these # options set instead before we make our formatter, notifier, internal # style guide and file checker manager. options = application.options for key, value in kwargs.items(): try: getattr(options, key) setattr(options, key, value) except AttributeError: LOG.error('Could not update option "%s"', key) application.make_formatter() application.make_notifier() application.make_guide() application.make_file_checker_manager() return StyleGuide(application)
[docs]class StyleGuide(object): """Public facing object that mimic's Flake8 2.0's StyleGuide. .. note:: There are important changes in how this object behaves compared to the StyleGuide object provided in Flake8 2.x. .. warning:: This object should not be instantiated directly by users. .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0 """ def __init__(self, application): """Initialize our StyleGuide.""" self._application = application self._file_checker_manager = application.file_checker_manager @property def options(self): """Return application's options. An instance of :class:`optparse.Values` containing parsed options. """ return self._application.options @property def paths(self): """Return the extra arguments passed as paths.""" return self._application.paths
[docs] def check_files(self, paths=None): """Run collected checks on the files provided. This will check the files passed in and return a :class:`Report` instance. :param list paths: List of filenames (or paths) to check. :returns: Object that mimic's Flake8 2.0's Reporter class. :rtype: flake8.api.legacy.Report """ self._application.run_checks(paths) self._application.report_errors() return Report(self._application)
[docs] def excluded(self, filename, parent=None): """Determine if a file is excluded. :param str filename: Path to the file to check if it is excluded. :param str parent: Name of the parent directory containing the file. :returns: True if the filename is excluded, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return (self._file_checker_manager.is_path_excluded(filename) or (parent and self._file_checker_manager.is_path_excluded( os.path.join(parent, filename))))
[docs] def init_report(self, reporter=None): """Set up a formatter for this run of Flake8.""" if reporter is None: return if not issubclass(reporter, formatter.BaseFormatter): raise ValueError("Report should be subclass of " "flake8.formatter.BaseFormatter.") self._application.formatter = None self._application.make_formatter(reporter) = None # NOTE(sigmavirus24): This isn't the intended use of # Application#make_guide but it works pretty well. # Stop cringing... I know it's gross. self._application.make_guide() self._application.file_checker_manager = None self._application.make_file_checker_manager()
[docs] def input_file(self, filename, lines=None, expected=None, line_offset=0): """Run collected checks on a single file. This will check the file passed in and return a :class:`Report` instance. :param str filename: The path to the file to check. :param list lines: Ignored since Flake8 3.0. :param expected: Ignored since Flake8 3.0. :param int line_offset: Ignored since Flake8 3.0. :returns: Object that mimic's Flake8 2.0's Reporter class. :rtype: flake8.api.legacy.Report """ return self.check_files([filename])
[docs]class Report(object): """Public facing object that mimic's Flake8 2.0's API. .. note:: There are important changes in how this object behaves compared to the object provided in Flake8 2.x. .. warning:: This should not be instantiated by users. .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0 """ def __init__(self, application): """Initialize the Report for the user. .. warning:: This should not be instantiated by users. """ self._application = application self._style_guide = self._stats = self._style_guide.stats @property def total_errors(self): """Return the total number of errors.""" return self._application.result_count
[docs] def get_statistics(self, violation): """Get the list of occurrences of a violation. :returns: List of occurrences of a violation formatted as: {Count} {Error Code} {Message}, e.g., ``8 E531 Some error message about the error`` :rtype: list """ return [ '{} {} {}'.format(s.count, s.error_code, s.message) for s in self._stats.statistics_for(violation) ]